Festival of Learning 2025
What: A day-long festival at the Lab, made by-the-community, for-the-community, involving students, UROPs, staff, and faculty. To celebrate 🎉, learn 👯, eat 🥘, make 🗜️, share 🤝, play ✨, and dance 💃🏽 together!
When: Friday, January 31, 2025
Where: E-14/15
Contact: festival-of-learning [at] media.mit.edu

"One side effect of working remotely has been that I've lost touch with coworkers I used to run into in the hallways. The people that I didn't have a *work* reason to talk to… It was refreshing to remember that I am more than my work and so are the inhabitants of the Media Lab."
— Andrea Porras, Reflections from Festival of Learning 2022
"Met more Media Lab people in the 24 hours of ML Third Thursdays movie night and Friday FoL than the 2 years before that!"
— Juliana, Reflections from Festival of Learning 2022
"Festival of Learning is always a time of meeting new people while reconnecting with friends I haven't seen in a while, which has been especially important after the long remote period."
— Shannon Johnson, Reflections from Festival of Learning 2022
"Bringing the Festival of Learning back to the Lab—in all its low-production, DIY, non-serious glory—and introducing it to the newer students who hadn’t experienced that part of our culture before made me so happy, as I felt we were celebrating the parts of the Media Lab that I think make us so special."
— Pip Mothersill, Reflections from Festival of Learning 2019
FoL24 is brought to you by a collaborative team of MAS students, staff, and researchers, with support from MAS, ML Human Resources, and PLIX!